Seach Keyword:Highway Guardrail, Bridge Guardrail,Traffic Sign Post,Traffic Signboard,Crash Barrier/Cushion

Road stud, Reflector/Delineator, Anti-glare Board, Anti-dazzle Board, Road/Traffic Cone    PE/PU Warning Post

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Shandong Wantai Facility Engineering Co.,Ltd
Source: | Author:hardware-100 | Published time: 2014-08-15 | 96 Views | Share:
Safety roller barrier or roller guardrail is a fixture prevents drivers and passengers from fatal accidents by not only absorbing shock energy but also converting shock energy into rotational energy.It is designed to effectively absorb shock and lead vehicle to the road direction to large accidents.

Safety roller barrier or roller guardrail is a fixture prevents drivers and passengers from fatal accidents by not only absorbing shock energy but also converting shock energy into rotational energy.It is designed to effectively absorb shock and lead vehicle to the road direction to large accidents.

Safety roller barrier or roller guardrail is known as a roller barrier,rolling barrier,roller type barrier,drum barrier or roller guardrail,rolling guardrail,drum guardrail,roller type guardrail,rotary barrier,rotary guardrail ,rotary anti-collision guardrail,rotary anti-collision barrier. It is widely used on sharp carve road or bend road zone.The safety roller will effectively function for drivers go properly control vehicles with its noticeable color and